Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Miniature Owl Valentines

Owls are all the rage right now and I to have joined the fad. What can I say they are just to cute! 
I was recently inspired to make valentines packages for the girls in my family. 
I spent a lot of time searching for ideas of what to make.  I wanted to find something that was more than the normal candy. 
I found several crafts that inspired me. Yet, one in particular stood out to me it was owl valentines made out of toilet paper rolls super cute, but way bulkier than I wanted and where was I going to get seventeen toilet paper rolls in just a few days? 

So, although not completely origional this is my adaptation. It is really fun and doesn't take to much to do (although just a warning it was a little bit time consuming),and of course miniature is always better :).


1) Paper for the body approximately  1 ½  inches by 2 ½ inches. 

2) Googly eyes ( these are my favorite).

3) Paper cut outs of wings. I cut mine really small approximately  ½ an inch adapt as you like. 

4) a small square piece of paper about ½in by ½in on this write your message. I wrote Happy Owlentines Day! But feel free to be creative I have seen things like "Owl always Love you" and "Owl always be there" Pretty much just replace I'll with Owl. Let me know what you come up with! 

5) Glue pretty simple. Use this to put the eyes, wings, and message on to the body of the owl. 

6) A Pen, I used a red one to be more festive. Use the Pen to draw the beak on to your Owl. 

Your owl should look something like this at this point. You can make the body first and then glue things on but I found this to be simpler! 

7) Tape. I use tape to hold the body of the Owl together I found it faster than using the glue and waiting for it to dry. This is decorative tape that I found at Target and Michael's. Any normal tape is fine too. Really, you can hold it together whichever way you prefer. At this point you will take the body of the Owl (the larger piece of paper) and roll it up.

The last step is to make the ears just push down on the tube you have created in the back first and then the front. You may want to kind mess with each ear using your fingers to mold it and make it the way that you want it. 

Waaa laaah you now have a little Owl! 

Happy Valentine's creating !