While reading Ephesians tonight during a quiet time I came across a verse that I have read many times. This verse Ephesians 4:29 jumped out at me tonight. It reminded me of a sin I struggle with daily.
Even just today I gave in to complaining and gossiping so heatedly about somebody that I struggle with. It felt so good to vent about this person and to know that someone else was struggling with them. Yet, as soon as we had finished our session I felt awful. I knew I had given into my fleshly desires to berate and tear down this person who is loved by the God Almighty. And as a person who claims Christ how did that show my fellow gossiper that there is anything different about me? Thank God that it is not on my shoulders to save humanity!
That being said I do want to live a life that is different, set apart. I don't want to constantly excuse my behavior. I know that this is a continuous struggle of mine that I have to fight daily. And maybe, well really I know that a lot of us struggle with this same sin. So maybe this verse will encourage you as it did me. I am going to read this daily from this point to start my days out with this reminder to encourage and not tear down. I hope that it can provide the same encouragement to you my friends.
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